New Faces, Beautiful Show.
Arriving on the High Street for the last week of the Festival I'd reached a point I'd not experienced before. That third and final week. My only sight of the last week had ever been the hour or so I could squeeze in after work, this was my first year with three weeks off, thanks to my boss for allowing me the time.
So what was I to expect. The street seemed a little quieter, shows that had finished their run had packed up and left. I'd said my goodbyes to friends old and new.
Now it was time to find new companies to annoy, sorry photograph.
On my usual vantage point I scanned the street, then I spotted just what I needed to give me boost for the start of my week, a couple of attractive young women, flyering. Perfect!
I jumped down camera and flyers in hand.
As I approached I was asked by one of the girls, "Would you like a flyer."
I of course accepted, this is my key.
"Well you have to pay the penalty"
"Well I have to take your photograph, and I have to give you one of my flyers."
Handing over my Exhibition flyer, I explained what I did and where the exhibition was.
In fact just across the road from their venue. "Perfect!"
There were six girls out flyering "The Cagebirds." It was their first Edinburgh Festival so they were new to the games played in flyering on the High Street. Also new to what can and can't happen on the High Street. They'd built a cage to promote their show, but Edinburgh Council officials had certified the structure to be unsafe for the street. "This got them Edinburgh Evening News Headlines."
The next day it was more of the same. Caught up with the girls again did some more photos. Asked about photographing their show, it would be my first time in The Garage venue.
That night as I was leaving the High Street, The Cagebirds were heading down to set up and get ready for their show. I tagged along, it would give me a chance to do one or two test shots and see how the kit I had would cope in the venue.
Did some shots, said my goodbyes for the evening and into The Hogshead for tea.
Next morning I headed into 1Stop Photo, had my films done from the previous night. Test shots looked great, probably have been the subject matter, more than the photography. When I met the girls later on the Street they would see the shots, and I'd have shots to use to put on a board to promote their show.